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用抓力测量仪 对大、小鼠抓力进行测试是为了评价药物、毒物、 肌肉松驰剂、中枢神经抑制剂、兴奋剂等对动物肢体力量 的影响程度, 同时也可对动物的衰老、神经损伤、骨骼损 伤、肌肉损伤、韧带损伤程度以及其恢复程度进行鉴定, 这是一种使用范围很广的仪器。
用抓力测量仪 对大、小鼠抓力进行测试是为了评价药物、毒物、 肌肉松驰剂、中枢神经抑制剂、兴奋剂等对动物肢体力量 的影响程度, 同时也可对动物的衰老、神经损伤、骨骼损 伤、肌肉损伤、韧带损伤程度以及其恢复程度进行鉴定, 这是一种使用范围很广的仪器。
This system measures theforce that is required to make a mouse or rat release its grip. Itis ideal to measure the effects of drugs, toxins, muscle relaxants,disease, ageing or neural damage on muscle strength.
The rat or mouse is placed over a Perspex plate, in front of agrasping trapeze. Rodents instinctively grab anything they can totry to stop this involuntary backward movement. The will continueto grip the trapeze until the pulling force overcomes their gripstrength. After the animal loses its grip, the peak preamplifierautomatically stores the peak pull force and shows it on a liquidcrystal display
A complete system is comprised of the follow components:
1. A base plate of black sand-blasted Perspex, complete with upright and open-side boss-head
2. A grasping-bar (a grasping trapeze is also supplied)
3. A force transducer of adjustable height, provided withconnection cable & connector to the peak amplifier
4. A peak amplifier
Peak Preamplifier
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